Organisations Who Can Help

Age UKImprove later life; tackling health inequalities, loneliness and teaching those to be resilient
Fraud Watch InternationalSpecialise in online protection against fraud, scams & online abuse.
NSPCC02 NSPCC net aware- guide to social networks kids use.
Digital HealthResilience in cyber security
Citizens AdviceStopping vulnerable people from being scammed
Home Instead Senior CareSenior fraud protection toolkit- helping seniors stay safe at home
Action FraudNational fraud & cyber crime reporting centre
National Council on AgeingScams targeting seniors
PSNI Cyber-crime Unit

Useful Resources

Partnership with BT

The internet is a fantastic place for children to learn, create and have fun, but they may occasionally have to deal with a variety of sometimes challenging issues.

These might include cyberbullying, pressure to take part in sexting, encouragement to self-harm, and viewing pornography, along with various others. But there are positive things you can do to equip yourself and your child, and support them in resolving any issue they may face.

Elderly fraud scams

This site list a variety of fraud scams that have been targeted at older people.  The scams are outlined so older people can be better informed and prepared should they be targeted in such a way.

Action on elder abuse N.I.

This site is full of resources for older people and information on the work of Action on Elder Abuse N.I. The organisation also run a helpline for anyone suffering any form of elder abuse including; financial, neglect, sexual, psychological or physical. You can reach the helpline by calling 080 8808 8141

A guide to Fortnite

Here is a guide to help you understand one of the most popular online games today.  This guide covers aspects of gameplay, privacy settings and a jargon buster to help you understand potential risks of using the game and how to keep yourself and others safe when enjoying it online.